Saturday, January 21, 2012

Adding to the Really Baffling . . . Let's Mutate Bird Flu to Make it Airborne

The logic apparently is that by manipulating H5N1 to become transmissible between ferrets (which are, appropriately, nature's closest stand-in biologically for human scientists), we can ferret out (too irresistible to not have a little pun with these creatures while we kill them) how the bird flu virus might mutate in the non-laborotory world.

Not that we can do anything about the resulting pandemic should it occur. Though presumably we could establish a vaccine protocol that might be effective in impeding the virus's ability to infect.

So, developing a way to make H5N1 transmissible to and between humans will enhance our ability to warn anyone who hasn't already seen the videos of folks succumbing to bird flu that a killer virus is loose?

Of course, now we'll never know if we loosed the killer virus on ourselves or if it was a result of nature doing what nature does.

But at least we can be certain that many ferrets are going to suffer and die, and how can one argue that this is not a good thing?

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