Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ah, Art and the City

While in Worcester and then driving back through the dark hinterlands of rural Massachusetts last night with my son, we pondered the allure of city living . . . big city living to be more precise. Worcester doesn't qualify. Boston might not either, if one's a New Yorker. 

What is it about cities that keeps those of us who prefer an urban setting so enthralled? I think Drew captured it pretty succinctly: it's the energy of all those around us. It may be akin to being in a hive, I suppose. 

The rural seems so barren to a city person, and I know that the city can seem so hostile to a rural person. It's curious how we develop our preferences. 

This photo is from the indisputably BIG city of New York . . . the Christo orange flag art event in Central Park. I like that about cities, too . . . their concrete and steel massiveness can be and so often is tempered by the deeply human, by our artistic expressions.

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